Boston Facelina


Aeolid nudibranchs are among the most extraordinary creatures in the Baltic Sea. More than a dozen species are known and one of the most beautiful is certainly the Boston facelina. With its pinkish-red colour, it can be spotted from a distance sending a clear message to predators: “Don’t eat me – I’m dangerous.”
Like many aeolid nudibranchs, the Boston facelina is able to eat the nettle cells of hydrozoans, store them in its conspicuous body attachments and use them to defend itself against predators. These cells are called kleptocnidae, which translates as stolen weapons.


Antique Cannon Shoal of Fish Flounder Chalk Reef Impressions Blue Mussel Harbour Porpoise Lumpfish or Lumpsucker Turbot Common Whelk
Selection Sphere Chalk Reefs Seagrass Beds Drop Offs Rocky Reefs Shipwreck NABU (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union)